
Personalizing diagnosis and treatment for Familial Hypercholesterolemia patients

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What is new?

May 24, 2024

PerMed FH team meeting today in Lyon

The PerMed FH team met today in Lyon on the eve of the EAS Congress.

May 20, 2024

See us at the EAS Congress in Lyon!

If you want to know more about the PerMed FH project, come see us at the FH Europe booth during the European Atherosclerosis Society congress in Lyon May 26th - 29th!

Jan 9, 2024

Partners met at the kick-off meeting


PerMedFH proposes to create innovative solutions to support the implementation of Personalized Medicine for Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH), which can be further on integrated in a clinic protocol.
Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (FH) is a common genetic disorder (1:300) in which patients have severely elevated LDL cholesterol from birth onwards. Due to this cholesterol accumulation in arteries, FH patients with a pathogenic variant have a very high cardiovascular risk, with up to a 20 fold increase of risk for early onset myocardial infarction compared with general population between ages 20-40 years. There is a huge gap in the diagnosis due to the lack of evidence to classify the majority of FH variants that remain as variants of unknown significance, and this project aims to clarify this interpretation by performing functional studies. There are several drugs available to treat FH patients, however the phenotype of the patients greatly depends on the type of variant presented. In PerMedFH different drugs will be tested and the best treatment option according to the different types of variants will be revealed, so this way treatment can be optimized in a way that each patient will receive the right treatment. Finally, a model of care for personalized medicine will be developed and validated by a group of FH experts, to be used by all clinicians worldwide.
Thus, PerMedFH will allow the implementation of a personalized medicine protocol for FH patients.  Better understanding of FH pathophysiology will be achieved as well as improvements in FH patient management with clear health gains. Drug optimization for each patient will increase adherence to medication and can decrease side effects and drugs interaction.

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Personalizing diagnosis and treatment for Familial Hypercholesterolemia patients

PerMed FH is founded by La Caixa Foundation. Project awarded on the La Caixa Research Health call 2023, in collaboration with the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.